Purpose Work
"If you don't know where you are going, you might wind up someplace else."
― Yogi Berra
Many companies struggle to attract remarkable employees and clients because their story isn’t inspiring. True Bearing helps clients unveil Core Purpose and craft engaging stories that lead to powerful connections and the actualization of new and profitable opportunities.
The gap between open jobs and available workers is at a record high with hundreds of openings and a dearth of applicants. All of this is in the background of "The Great Resignation" or "The Great Reset", which is a collective search for meaning and agency.
The "why" is what calls potential clients and investors to emotionally connect with what you do.
Most organizations understand which technical skills they need from potential employees. But just because a candidate has all the skills, it doesn’t mean they will work well in YOUR environment. Knowing your purpose allows you to create the tools to identify those most likely to thrive in your unique environment.
Purpose is the anchor of your story and allows you to craft a powerful narrative that speaks directly to the heart of what makes your organization great.
Knowing your purpose and the values that lead to that purpose allows you to identify the employees who share those values and are most likely to thrive in your unique environment.
Uncovering your Purpose requires the ability to powerfully envision a transformative future as if it has already happened.
True Bearing has created a process that allows executives to move past the day to day, and viscerally access this future exposing the deep seeded beliefs that have guided you.
We help you articulate what is most important to you and what is core to your organization. From that point we articulate that purpose statement in a way that engages, creates connections that communicate what is most important for your organization.
Allowing you to:
Create engaging narratives that create powerful connections with prospective employees and clients.
Build unique recruiting structures that identify those candidates who share your values and are most likely to thrive in your organization
Create decision making frameworks for your team that flatten hierarchies and create magical customer experiences.
Build a magnetic culture that keeps key employees engaged and sources exciting opportunities for growth.
Find out more
Find out how True Bearing can guide your organization to uncovering your organization's Purpose